We really are losing Valuable Resources and a Knowledge Base!

At a recent social gathering of IT professionals and executives, one of the individuals stated that he was retiring next week and planned to enjoy the rest of his life with his family, fishing, and maybe exercising as he smiled looking at me (he knew my exercising routine). We all thought this was great. The individual had a successful career as a developer and manager. As I told him that I wished him the best, I thought about the following which concerns me more and more each day. There has been much said about failed projects and businesses, business ethics, and doing the job right. We know our recent past tells us we have some problems to correct and mistakes not to repeat.

A concern that has to be addressed now!

We have a new breed of employees and other professionals coming into the job market and becoming IT professionals in different industries. But many may not have the knowledge required to manage and implement IT development and other projects; avoiding the same mistakes that have been made in the past. They have to be trained and educated. As a generation of employees and professionals retire, who will train and educate the upcoming professionals? Who has planned for this phenomenon which is occurring and will continue to occur? A plan to ensure that knowledge is transferred and lessons learned shared is absolutely necessary, beginning now! This has to occur on a national and international (global) level. Because of other concerns, many organizations are not addressing the problem as one of their immediate priorities but must give thought to transferring knowledge and sharing lessons learned before the exodus. What do you as a business plan to do?


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