“What is your weekly routine to manage the quality of your life?”

Remember: Your quality of life is just as important as the quality of the project/product, and more of an emphasis now with the covid-19 impact and that many individuals are working from home. What is my routine to maintain my physical, mental, and spiritual well being? What is my weekly routine? First, I like physical activities such as sports, (especially basketball), exercise (including floor exercises), riding a bike, and dancing. Choose those that are best for you condition/situation. But before you choose a routine/activity, make sure you check with primary doctor first.

I have a past nick name, “The 7up Kid”, because I do not smoke or drink (alcoholic beverages) but I do drink a lot of water through the day. I do things I enjoy (many) and take time out for myself and family. I like to research, write (including poetry) and take trips. I am what you call an optimist (which I think is good for my mental state of mind, especially during these difficult times – what we call an economic recovery and this covid-19 pandemic.

Over the years, my routine usually/typically is: Each day that I get up, even when I can’t put in a full exercise routine, I do some stretches, sit ups, and push ups. I jog or walk 3-6 miles every other day and shoot basketball. I try to get the proper amount of sleep each night (not always easy when you have a full plate of business/career activities) but I do. I try to eat vegetables and fruits continuously during the week. Take a multiple vitamin each day of the week. Although I eat some beef and not a lot of pork, I prefer more turkey, chicken and fish, I do like to eat ice cream (vanilla) and vanilla wafers some times. But when I do, I do several days of activities/eating that counters what I splurged on. Spiritually and mentally: I don’t attend a church weekly but I do pray everyday to my almighty and try to treat people the way I want to be treated (in a positive manner). For those that don’t believe in God, that is your choice but realize there is a higher power than man/woman.

The key is moderation and balance in life. I love people but I am comfortable with self when I am around people and when I am not.

Quality management to me requires commitment, time management and “getting it done”; putting quality time in those areas that provide you with some quality of life. Not sure if I will be around tomorrow or how good my health really is but I will continue the above routine until I can’t, to keep my health in check. This reminds me, I am due to get my annual physical (a full checkup, tests and scans).


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