Category: Lessons Learned

  • Critical Technology Project Management Best Practices For Lessons Learned

    In my reading and research… this article’s title surely got my attention: Stop with the Lessons Learned => Click Here To Read The Full Article Correct me if I am wrong but it seems to me that the article is indicating that a lessons learned (post mortem) be conducted “a week before the end of…

  • Project/Program Management Lessons Learned

    Project/Program Management Lessons Learned “It’s about Management Control and Quality” Turn the listed items into checklists to be used for assessments and evaluations. The following is a list of lessons learned that have been identified and documented during a successful career of executing projects and programs. 1. A project manager must not only be responsible,…

  • As IT professionals much of our project information is not quite organized and much of our lessons learned go undocumented. What does that say for the 21th Century?

    Have we learned from the past failure of projects? That is the question for 2010 and beyond. I am not sure we have. Although there have been improvements, how much is the question? Some researches seem to say that a significant increase of 100%. 100% of what? When the rate for successful projects is not…

  • Talent Being Lost

    For the past 5-10 years we have been losing, and for the next 5-10 years we will be losing, resources (manpower) that are significant to the industry. Some may say, so what, no problem, but the knowledge and lessons learned they take or have taken with them is significant. Within IT and other industries for…

  • Lessons Learned

    Sometimes we don’t want to admit we have made a mistake or that there were issues with a process or its activities. But how else are we to correct our mistakes and learn from our mistakes; to improve. Whether one thinks it can lead to finger pointing is not a reason not to have the…

  • A restatement about lessons learned…

    RayAnn received another several emails recently but they were questions that you would have thought were part of the past. The emails indicated that the managers were documenting lessons learned and having a end-of- the-project meeting to discuss lessons that were only gathered after or during the last phase of the project. Unbelievable! Hear is…

  • Lessons Learned Going Into 2010

    With “Recovery” on everyone’s mind, RayAnn thought it would be appropriate to share some lessons learned going into 2010. Document all planned steps/actions in the web development process with input from key stakeholders and project team members. Never rely strictly on a WYSIWYG application (I.E. Macromedia Dreamweaver, Microsoft FrontPage) to complete a web design/development project.…

  • A Career of Significant Project Management Lessons Learned

    It’s about Management Control and Quality The following is a list of project management lessons learned that I have identified and documented. A project manager must not only be responsible, but accountable, for the project. Conduct business with high ethics. Use Best Practices, tailored to the project. Prepare a complete activity/work or task breakdown, reviewed by…

  • Documenting Lessons Learned

    Documenting lessons learned. It’s a day to day attitude and activity. Based on the number of failed IT projects for the past decade it seems that transfer of knowledge and feeding back (sharing) lessons learned, did not take place. Frequently we see lessons learned not identified, discussed, documented and archived on a continuous or daily…