Category: Configuration Management

  • Software/Firmware Configuration Management (Within the System Development Process)

    Eddie R. Williams, PMP Book Title: Software/Firmware Configuration Management (Within the System Development Process)..(click to order) Subtitle: Management Control & Quality Published: December 2001 Being an IT professional for over 20 years and now a published author, I became very concerned about the high failure rate of projects within the IT industry. I had worked…

  • Management and Ethics

    Management and ethics for business and projects has to be a number one priority for many companies going into 2010 and the 21st Century, but first several issues have to be addressed. Over the past several months, I have had discussions about, and received emails, related to individuals being assigned as project and software configuration…

  • Software Vendors and Their Tools/Applications

    Now after knowing the process, hopefully it allows you to make a better selection of products to automate and make the development process more efficient. It begins with requirements (which can’t be over emphasized). For some time we have had software vendors developing Computer Aided Software/System Engineering (CASE), applications, and tools for processes (i.e., Project…

  • Beyond Project Close Out

    Recently, I received several emails and telephone calls to discuss a problem with a web site requiring revising or revamping and applications requiring modification, enhancement or replacement after the projects had closed and warranty periods had expired. The changes or request for changes seems to have been announced without prior notice or discussion with key…

  • Software/Firmware Configuration Management…

    Best practice processes, yes, have been around for a while in aerospace, department of defense, and commercial environments. Such organizations as the Electronic Industries Association (EIA), Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), Department of Defense (DOD), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) have collaborated in the past and continue their…

  • Do the “Right Thing” for your project, the customer, the company, and yourself…

    We are into the 21st century. Do the “Right Thing” for your project, the customer, the company, and yourself. If not, it has consequences as we all have/are seeing. It’s the ethical thing to do, maintain your integrity and the company’s credibility.

  • Quality of Life, Quality of the Project

    Your quality of life is just as important as the quality of the project. I have spoken and heard from many individuals over the past several years, and I don’t know if it’s a sign of the times but there are those that have been affected physically and mentally. The stress and the unknowns (distress…

  • Technology Project Challenges… Continued

    Skill Set Requirements – Not Just Being Certified Resource requirements for a project or program have become a day-to-day challenge. RayAnn identified the challenge of resource availability in a previous information source, at the same time you have to ensure that the resource is the “right fit”; has the appropriate skill set. At one time,…

  • Program and Project Success is about Team Success and Lessons Learned

    2009 is at an end and 2010 has begun with a lot of activity. What lessons learned will we take into 2010 and into the 21st century? September 11, 2001 (9/11) and some other unethical business activities have affected industries recovery but we all realize that before 9/11 many businesses were having some financial difficulties, mergers and lay…

  • Documenting Lessons Learned

    Documenting lessons learned. It’s a day to day attitude and activity. Based on the number of failed IT projects for the past decade it seems that transfer of knowledge and feeding back (sharing) lessons learned, did not take place. Frequently we see lessons learned not identified, discussed, documented and archived on a continuous or daily…