Category: Best Practices

  • Why are we still so confused about what “Configuration Management” means? Yes, this is the 21st Century.

    Why are we still so confused about what “Configuration Management” means?  Yes, this is the 21st Century. Author: Eddie R. Williams, PMP Contributing Author: Marc Gravez   I.            Introduction We still have confusion, debates, and even arguments about what the meaning of “configuration management,” “configuration,” and what constitutes a “configuration item” (software/hardware/firmware). Commentary Recently, I was in a networking group meeting, on Zoom of…

  • Configuration Management Best (and Good) Practices

    1. Perform Configuration Management up front and throughout projects and programs (See book and articles to understand and apply Configuration Management) 2. Conduct an assessment, if required 3. Select tools, methodologies * 4. Perform Requirements, Design, and Product Management 5. Prepare a requirements document/documentation or specification with a traceability matrix. For the Agile development process…

  • IT Standards, Past and Present

    There are many standards, past and present, and if we use and study them we would see that they have been the basis of what we have today in many technologies and best/good practices (realizing also that each continues to be changed and/or improved). It is very interesting to trace a standard’s history and to…

  • Software Development Best (and Good) Practices: What “best practice” processes do you think are required for IT development projects?

    Best Practice Processes (BPPs) must continue to be estabished and improved for the software development process.  and for the successful projects and programs. The best practice processes are identified below. Several organizations with standards that support these processes are listed. Best Practice Processes: 1. Program/Project Management (and Business Management) (Integration) Use of Experience and Knowledge (Integration)…