Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Article: US Health Care Organizations Are At Risk of Not Meeting The Looming ICD-10 Implementation Deadline
Compliance is just around the corner for ICD-10, October 1, 2015. No delay this time. The International Statistical Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition, and Clinical Modification/Procedure Coding System has an impact on health plans, clearing houses, hospitals, physician practices, etc. and ultimately the patient. Are you ICD-10 Ready? Do you understand the issues for now…
IT Project/Program Management: 7 Habits (deadly sins) of Highly Unsuccessful IT Project Managers
Over the past couple of decades, overseeing and managing projects and programs and attending conferences, I have received several questions about best (and good) practices and projects managers using lessons learned. Why haven’t unsuccessful project managers learned from past projects or why aren’t they using lessons learned and best practices; project managers that seems to…
IT Project/Program Management: Development Methodologies: Agile vs. Traditional
At a network group meeting I was asked the question if I had used Agile and Waterfall development methodologies. My reply and response was yes. I was asked which do, or did, I prefer. I said I had used both and while each has it pros and cons, I have used each and have combined/mixed…
IT Project Management’s Missing Link – Configuration Management, An Improving but Misunderstood Discipline.
(Sources: ITIL and DOD/MIL) Configuration Management is a discipline that has always been applied as a complement to system engineering, hardware, software, and application development and production (a developed or engineered product/system ) but over the years has been misunderstood and distorted by some industries outside of the Military and aerospace (MIL /DOD Standards); often…
IT Project/Program Management:The IT industry has accepted failure as the norm
I recently wrote an article, significant to the IT industry, that was published on TechRepublic: The IT industry has accepted failure as the norm Read the complete article here >> Program and Project Managers must continue to move the industry to a state of continued success ; increase the success rate. Take responsibility and be accountable…
Concerns for ERP failures, SCM, VOIP and Large Scale IT Projects
There are serious concerns going forward in 2011 regarding IT project and program failures, including ERP, SCM and VOIP. Some IT professionals in the industry don’t think that changes required to reduce the rate of failure, or to stop this disastrous trend, are forth coming. In one article this seems to be the case, including…
Why CM? What is the SDLC? System/Software Development Life Cycle Process Explained
“I was still having problems with understanding Configuration Management but after reading your book, I do know why I was having difficulties with the entire development life cycle focusing only on software version control and software library development.” Those who have purchased the book, (Management Control and Quality! – Software/Firmware Configuration Management – available in…
Configuration Management (CM) is Misunderstood
For Configuration Management (CM) we have been concentrating so much on software and version control, (tools and applications), that we have forgotten that CM begins before you have the software or its components and modules (units). See definition for CM in Software/Firmware Configuration Management. With this misunderstanding comes the following that I have still encountered…
Why are we still so confused about what “Configuration Management” means? Yes, this is the 21st Century.
Why are we still so confused about what “Configuration Management” means? Yes, this is the 21st Century. Author: Eddie R. Williams, PMP Contributing Author: Marc Gravez I. Introduction We still have confusion, debates, and even arguments about what the meaning of “configuration management,” “configuration,” and what constitutes a “configuration item” (software/hardware/firmware). Commentary Recently, I was in a networking group meeting, on Zoom of…
Your Mental and Physical Health for the 21st Century and Beyond: …Quality of Life, Quality of Project.
Your Mental and Physical Health for the 21st Century and Beyond: Present Concerns and Restatements Required After COVID 19. Quality of Life, Quality of Project. Author: Eddie R. Williams, PMP Contributing Author: Marc Gravez I. Introduction The 21st century is bringing on strong concern for the mental and physical health of technical and…
Security (including Cyber and Physical Security) for the 21st Century and Beyond
Security (including Cyber and Physical security) for the 21st Century and Beyond published in the PM World Journal Volume X, Issue 1 January 2021 With security (including cyber and physical security) being one the top priority for IT and industries, a significant call to action article/commentary has been published, and is a must read, for PMI,…
IT Project Management Pitfalls…
http://www.devx.com/enterprise/Article/46472 Internet.com Comments to: 9 IT Project Management Mistakes That Will Sink Your Project Your article identifies some good points to ensure your project stays on track. As I read the article and reviewed some of the comments I had several comments. Eddie Williams Comments: PM Pitfall #1. Inaccurate Scheduling Planning and estimates must be…
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